Richelle Shaw

Are You Building A Business or A Headache?

  • July 7, 2014

Are you building a business or a headache?   business headache


The question I get most is…

Can any business be a million dollar business?

– and the answer is YES!


BUT, the question you should be asking is after it reaches a million dollars in revenue – will I still love it.


See most struggle to get the revenue piece right but even after you get it right there are so many more factors because the MONEY does not solve all problems.


When cash flow is your main concern, you lose sight of what it takes to reach the million dollar level. Really?  Yes, Really!


See fixing the cash flow is the easiest part of building a million dollar business – that is a numbers game.


MDE Action Plan Basics


How many leads convert to be customers?

How many customers buy again?

What is the average customer worth?

What else can we sell them?




Simple Math, but what happens when you build a successful business and decide, I don’t want to do this anymore?


NEVER you say – trust me it happens more often than not.  Actually it happens way before you reach the million dollar level.  BECAUSE….


That’s why you stop implementing.


Yep, you stop implementing because implementing is not fun.

Designing is FUN

learning is FUN

talking to others is FUN

masterminding is FUN

– but DOING – well that sucks!


Most people want a business where they wake up rich!  And I will tell you THAT does not happen.  BUT making money in your sleep means you have to create concrete plans and systems that work without you.


So in order to sustain my $40 million business I needed 52 employees.  An IT specialist for billing customers.  His salary alone was $110,000 per year and that was 15 years ago.


Sounds exciting until you peel back the veil and see that my job was essentially managing 52 attitudes.  Argh, awful mess.


What I helped my clients do this year was design a business that is FUN to run and makes money.


Miles and RichelleFor example – Miles.  His partner in California that runs the same type of business has 28 employees and 1000 headaches trying to keep them all busy, taking jobs only for the busy work where Miles, take jobs that make him the highest profit and he has an outsourced crew and 1 full time employee and revenues of $649k in just 6 months.  I don’t know how much his partner in California is taking home but I would love to compare Miles’ take home out of the business versus the partner with 28 employees!




And Katricia – Implementer of the month for June – she wanted to use her best skills, and generate an extra $1,000 per month this year.  So we created a business that she is consistently doing what she loves – throwing parties and making money!  We have already reached her goal, now we are creating new goals.  Katricia Kelly - IOTM


Then, there is Lolita – Implementer of the month for May – she wanted to go in a new direction for her business.  We put together the plan, for her to be the New Trusted Authority and become the big star in her industry.  She knew her stuff but was struggling to get the world to know how amazing she is!  And in 6 weeks, we created a sold out event where she was the star, which lead to many new coaching clients a Facebook group with over 3,000 members and a new book launching August 2nd at the end of her 100 days of working with me.



The moral of this story in honor of July – and Independence – Design the business that will work for you.  Design one that you can’t wait to work in everyday.  Design your million dollar business.


If there is still room for MDE Live – you can register here:


If you are not able to attend and would like for me to create a MDE Action Plan – enter MDE ACTION Plan here in the Contact US and my assistant will send you the forms to complete


Go Make things Happen!