Richelle Shaw

Big Mistake, really big mistake for entrepreneurs

  • April 17, 2013

Are you making these entrepreneur mistakes?  Do you have any small business systems?


Sometimes, the biggest mistake you make in your business has nothing to do with strategy!
Today, I met with coaching clients all day and there was ONE big thing that was in the way with them building their million dollar business.  And it was something that you would never guess.

THEIR HEAD!  As a small business coach, ( I say that reluctantly because I am not the business coach that can help you if you don’t know how to get up in the morning.- If you want shortcut strategies then I am your gal, but if you need a cheerleader, well, choose someone else)

I find that most of the time, you don’t need strategy but automatic systems to remove the “HEAD” entrepreneur mistakes and consistent implementation.

Because procrastination is one of the major entrepreneur mistakes, I ask you…

What are you doing or what do you have in place to eliminate procrastination?

I suggest you institute small business systems – and of course the Million Dollar Equation Systems to make sure that each prospect is followed up automatically, then, your head does not get in the way.  If by chance you do not have my book The Million Dollar Equation click here –

small business systems

My easiest small business system?

1.  Create small business systems that will eliminate all of your reasons to procrastinate

2. Hire someone to help implement the systems, part-time, virtual

3.  Give the systems to your employees and let it go.

Once the system is set up, then, your one and only job becomes, managing from reports and making sure that there is consistent implementation of the system.