Richelle Shaw

MDE Live: Accelerate 2013 Cynthia Newdel Effortless Media

  • October 11, 2013

What would your business look like if you could just get the word out about your business?

Cynthia Newdel, Associate producer at Fox 5 Las Vegas, answers your questions about what she looks for in a guest.  cynthia-newdel-150x150

Cynthia is my producer for my “Money Honey” Segments on the Fox 5 More Show and is very specific in what catches her eye.

She sees 1000s of press releases that are plain garbage where obviously the person forgot to do their research.

Cynthia is a media expert ready to teach entrepreneurs how to be a media darling.

Her years of knowledge changes the game for you!

BUT – let’s get real – why did she pick me?

richelle media expert

Probably the most fun in the whole world!! 

But here’s what is so funny about this – not funny haha, but funny strange…  If I am going to be transparent.  I have believed that I should be on TV for years, however, not sure if you noticed, but – I don’t look like most of the women on TV, but I could wrap my head around it because, I have been a true student of business since I was 18.  Fun for me, has always been reading business magazines and books.  Then, got to implement many of my ideas and have been an entrepreneur for over 20 years.  So, on a business show, made perfect sense to me.  

BUT to be the financial expert?  Are you kidding me?

I have filed bankruptcy and I am not a financial planner.  As a matter of fact, I was history major at UCLA.  Why in the WORLD would the TV Show pick me??

Well, there are 3 specific reasons why she picked me to do the first segment,

2 things that she said, made the biggest difference to choosing me that had NOTHING to do with my expertise

And, after years of working in news for years in New York, that she found the 1 thing that she looks for.

She will be sharing with you exactly the 1 thing to do, and the 3 things you never want to do when pitching the media.

You don’t want to miss this session! 

MDE Live - Accelerate