Richelle Shaw

The Million Dollar Equation Show

The Official Podcast of Richelle Shaw

The Easiest Fastest Way to Grow a 7 Figure Business

Richelle Shaw overcame losing her business in California after 9/11 leading to a difficult situation. Rather than finding another job, she prioritized rebuilding her company and doing so within five months. In this web class, she aims to teach the most effective way to grow a seven-figure business: finding and securing lucrative partnerships. With secrets

Show Notes

Richelle Shaw faced business challenges in California after 9/11 disrupted bill payments and mail services, leading to a difficult situation. Despite feeling overwhelmed, she chose to prioritize rebuilding her company instead of finding another job.

In her web class, Richelle aims to teach the most effective way to grow a seven-figure business: finding and securing lucrative partnerships. She has three secrets to share and emphasizes the importance of partnerships for consistently acquiring new customers. She understands the fear that holds people back from forming partnerships and offers a system where partners approach you. As a former female African American public utility owner, Richelle has written books on building million-dollar businesses and believes in adapting to industry changes. She overcame initial resistance from potential partners and will share strategies to make them excited to collaborate. Richelle challenges the misconception that access to capital is necessary for a seven-figure business, sharing her own success story after filing for bankruptcy. She encourages participants to see their current situation as temporary and focuses on what can be achieved in the next hundred days.

Richelle’s story showcases her skill in forming strategic partnerships, leveraging assets, and identifying opportunities for business growth. She highlights the importance of understanding assets and accessing resources while sharing her own experience of discovering a potential customer base through a partnership with a bankruptcy attorney. Richelle’s approach to partnerships includes creating gift certificates for referral partners, generating revenue, and establishing mutually beneficial relationships.

This episode IS TOO GOOD TO MISS! See you there!

Other subjects we covered on the show:

  • Importance of developing a strong image and being customer-focused
  • The power of partnerships and attracting partners
  • Overcoming fear and feelings of unworthiness
  • The significance of stay, pay, and refer customers
  • Building a business instead of just acquiring customers
  • Importance of servicing existing customers and fostering referrals.
  • Creating systems and tools to support business growth

 AND MORE TOPICS COVERED IN THE FULL INTERVIEW!!! You can check that out and subscribe at

If you want to know more about Richelle Shaw, you may reach out to her at:

  • Website:
  • LinkedIn:


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