Richelle Shaw

Small Business Battles

  • April 11, 2013

Small businesses face attacks from competitors daily

…but how you deal affects your success

The EMAIL read like:  The Sky is Falling…small business competitor attacks

Today I received an email from a private client about putting together a marketing strategy against a rival doctor that does not like her and is taking over some of the contracts she’s losing.

She was shocked by two things

first, I did not reply immediately and second,

I refused to spend any time thinking about creating a plan against this rival doctor.

I hate fighting…  and I think that nothing good comes from going against another doctor, rival or small business.  And just the fact that she was spending that energy on something so trivial, made me almost fire her as a client.

The Best Small Business Marketing Strategy

Your success in your small business life is not determined by your competitors or a single contract.  If you believe that it is???

THEN– I am concerned about what other limiting beliefs you might have.  Business contracts even in this economy are ABUNDANT – it is up to you to take advantage of them.

Your ability to WIN contracts over your competitors has nothing to do with your focus on the competitor, it has everything to do with your small business marketing strategy.

Your time is not about fighting with your rival, but about doing everything possible to stay cohesive to your vision and mission of your business while making money.  Just like with any sport, but the energy you spend turning to look at how close your rival is, that keeps you from reaching your goal quicker.

Looking and focusing on the competitor, distracts you from your goals.

If focusing on your competitors is motivating, than use it as fuel, not as a new plan.

For example, my mission is helping business owners develop simple but detailed plans to build million dollar businesses.  My business is serving millions helping them create their dream businesses and lifestyles.  Every day, I read this about 10 times, to make sure that I am following my dream and vision for my life.  Nowhere in my vision or mission does it say – get rid of my competition, put them out of business, put together action steps to eliminate them…  nothing like that.  All of that energy against someone, I could be spending on helping others achieve their dream business and lifestyles.

And once my goal is about solving my customer’s problems for my small business, the money will follow.

And as soon as I became clear about what I was here on earth for.  About, WHOM I was doing this for and about WHY I wake up every morning, it makes making decisions very easy – and I stop thinking the sky is falling every time something does not work out like I want it to.

Choose your battles with your competitors – focus on abundance and greatness!