Richelle Shaw

Full Court Press MDE Style

  • March 24, 2013
AP/Photo Credit Mario Jose Sanchez

AP/Photo Credit Mario Jose Sanchez

Full Court Press?


How are you doing during March Madness?

Today’s question:  Are doing a full court press in your business?


FULL Court Press:  a vigorous attack or offensive; strong pressure. And based on the Million Dollar Equation – in business – to consistently implement strategies to bring in sales.

Friday, I got a text from my Double Diamond Member and Former Implementer of the Month from October 2012,   Miles and it said:

“It’s only 10am and I have sold 2 courts with 3 appts left today.  This is my million dollar year!  Thank you for helping me stay focused on the greatness in my existing business.  You’re the best! (Mar. 22, 2013 10:18am)”

First of all – boy does that make my day to see my clients succeed and change their lives.  Let me tell you a quick story about Miles.

Miles sells custom sport courts for backyards.  Basketball, tennis, putting greens…

The appointments he is referring to are not just calls to him, they are prospects who were pre-screened, already completed his Pre-Sale Form giving him every piece of ammunition to complete the sale, pre-sold with the current pricing which start at $10,000+ , so no price kickers,  all who have been nurtured through his system before they ever get to talk to him…  BUT you have no idea what we have worked on to get him to this point.  This just does not happen…  It is designed and calculated to maximize both his time and his income.  Before we started working together, Miles was meeting with people who were not ready to buy. He was running all over town from appointment with people who would rather go to Wal-Mart and buy the pop up hoop that goes on the street corner, instead of the clients who want a customized backyards   – here is a picture

sport court with Lakers logo

 A couple of things you should know….

  1. Miles is like every entrepreneur I know, He has what I call  – “Entrepreneurial A-D-D”  where he is lured by shiny objects, new projects and different opportunities
  2. You can imagine that during October,  November and December, his prospects are not interested in building basketball courts in their backyards.  First because it is actually cold here in Las Vegas and second, it is holiday time and they don’t want construction crews in their backyard.
  3. During the slower season, Miles has a tendency to get distracted.
  4. The distractions include:
  • New target markets related to his market
  • New target markets VERY VERY unrelated – that make no sense
  • BUT – it is the slow season and he is stretching to bring in additional dollars
  • Brand new unrelated businesses


The hardest part of our coaching sessions is to MANAGE the distractions and convince Miles to TRUST the SYSTEM even during the SLOW season.

I tell him all the time that we don’t have a crystal ball and have no idea when the customer is ready to buy, so we have to trust the system. In our 2 years of working together, we have developed 38 systems for creating sales.   Friday’s text, was a culmination of Trusting the Systems.  Implementing during the downtime and making a difference in his business.

The sun is shining and it’s spring break here in Las Vegas, parents are looking for things for their kids to do and just in time – Miles has been there consistently following the Million Dollar Equation Full Court Press with his prospects and his busy season is now RIDICULOUS!

He is not stopping but putting on the FULL COURT PRESS and changing his business, changing his life.

Are you ready to change your business, change your life?

Register here for BLOOM – making the most of every season and turning your opportunity into a million dollar business – register here:

Here’s what else you can do to do a FULL COURT PRESS like Miles:

  1. Implement consistently – even when it seems like nothing is happening
  2. Remember your goal – especially when dealing with distractions
  3. Review your distractions and make a decision – why are you doing this?  Is it consistent with your goals?
  4. Don’t quit – no matter who or what gets in your way.

Leave your questions or comments below – I would love to help you do your own FULL COURT PRESS