Richelle Shaw

How Not to Pick Your Customers

  • March 27, 2013

picking rightIn order to tell you the answer to that statement, we must first both agree that You do in fact PICK your customers.  How so, you ask…


Simple, You, I, and everybody else picks who we do business with by the way we market, the way we sell, the people we allow to buy from us, and absent any other mechanism or structure, we do it by default with the way we price our products and services.


The reality is, when I ask the question of “who’s your best customer and who’s your worst customer” with rare exception, people answer that the best is who pays the most and the worst is who pays the least.


So – how NOT to pick your customer is by anything that conditions them to buy, think, act, decide, and expect anything to be based around or by Price.


That means you must never, as a rule, blanketed approach without proper strategy

(which, coincidentally we’ll be discuss in detail tomorrow on the end of March Madness 2013 Special Training)


–          Sell by price

–          Sell by discounting

–          Sell by free


Understand I said, without Strategy.

Which brings me to You, and clicking this link to register


Where I’ll be showing the only time to offer/sell by “FREE”, this alone is worth you attending for just one little item of major impact and importance to you.


Oh, there’s so much more, it’s going to be the best, certainly the most significant March Madness Event ever, without question.  There is one question, though, will you be there to benefit?


***Never Discount Again, Avoid Selling By Price Forever***

It’s possible, when you click, register, and attend –