Richelle Shaw

Stop Hiding In Your Business

  • December 14, 2013

Stop Hiding Pretending Like You Are So Important!

One of the worst online habits that I noticed is that many of you are hiding in your business pretending to be too important to pick up the telephone. I don’t understand that. And here is a big secret. If you want to make bigger money than you are making right now – talk to your customers!

At my telephone company, my customers did not know that I was the owner, but I was a very hands on manager. One that would help sign up a customer, take a complicated customer service call and one that would take pictures of my customers. Even at the $40 million mark, we threw our annual Call Home For the Holiday Party and I would meet and greet our customers.

What bonus do I get from hiding???

Tell me why entrepreneurs choose to do this? And are you accessible to your customers? How about to your prospects? When is it ok for you to talk to a prospect?

leave your comments below.